Masjid Darassalaam was established in 1995 to cater for the needs of the community of Peterborough in general and Muslims in particular. The cultural centre required a fresh and updated website to showcase prayer timetables and their latest updates with a focus on simplicity.
User experience and interface
Websites Made needed to ensure the website was accessible for everyone, specifically those who may not be very familiar with the internet. With help from the mosque community, we researched a suitable layout for the website placing key information such as the mosque timetable at the top requiring no scrolling.
Design across web/mobile
Websites Made began the design process with simple wireframes. With feedback from the mosque community, we started building the website ensuring great multi-platform compatibility. We designed a new mosque logo using a cultural colour palette.
We’re a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas that help local and international companies build brand identity and loyalty.
Websites Made helps you stay competitive by creating a strong online presence within your local area.
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